Wholesale and Distributors Businesses in Alberta for Sale
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Alberta Listing Types
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About Alberta
Alberta is one of the country's largest provinces with a landmass of 661,848 km². The province is home to about 4.3 million people.
The 4.3 million people in Alberta are majorly concentrated in two cities; Calgary and Edmonton. Alberta has one of the healthiest economies in Canada with an abundance of natural resources, and a host of good employment opportunities in industries like agriculture, forestry, manufacturing, oil and gas, and tourism.
Living in Alberta is relatively affordable, the province has the lowest tax on gasoline and property. The average home in Alberta costs within the range of $150,000 - $400,000, with the median family income sitting at $93,600. The average salary after tax is $3,170 per month. Cities like Calgary have a largely competitive commercial real estate market, with prices starting at $178,000.
With the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas sectors contributing 16.12% to the GDP, Alberta’s supply of natural resources is the province’s biggest asset. Real estate and leasing comes in second place, contributing 11.74% to the GDP as well.
Due to the high rate of immigration into the province, Alberta is projected to have a population of 6.6 million by 2043.