Ajax, ON Retail Business for Sale
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About Ajax
Ajax is a small town located in Ontario with a landmass of 67.09 km². The town has a population of 119,677. The town has a strong resolve for welcoming people from diverse communities, beliefs, and orientations as well. The Ajax government runs several campaigns to support people from diverse racial backgrounds, as well as the LGBTQ+ community. The population has a good mix of people from various racial backgrounds.
In the 19th century, Canada’s Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation announced that Ajax would be Canada’s first fully-planned industrial and residential center. This has upheld the economy so far with the 5 major sectors being manufacturing, business and information technology services, healthcare, tourism, logistics, and warehousing.
Compared to other cities in Ontario, Ajax offers a relatively affordable cost of living. The median household income is $96,949 per year. The average worker earns about $59,000.
Ajax has 32,380 homeowners and about 5,165 renters. A huge percentage of the people live in single-detached houses, with the rest spread across other house types.