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Multifamily listings in Brampton, ON

Looking for Multifamily listings in Brampton, ON? Search 0 Multifamily listings from across the city. Zonado helps you find your next opportunity in Brampton.

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Multifamily listings around Brampton


5 listings


5 listings


3 listings


2 listings

St. Catharines

2 listings


2 listings


2 listings

Niagara Falls

2 listings

St. Thomas

2 listings


2 listings


1 listing


1 listing

Brampton Listing Types

Sale of Business

33 listings


14 listings


11 listings


10 listings


6 listings

Mixed Use

4 listings

Special Purpose

3 listings


2 listings

About Brampton

Brampton was founded as far back as 1830. It is a city located in Ontario with a landmass of 266.7 km². Brampton’s population has experienced quick growth since 2011, with the headcount currently at 713,463. 

Brampton’s economy is as competitive as it is diverse. The sectors that are most key to the city’s economic growth are advanced manufacturing, food & beverage, health services, and technology. Advanced manufacturing alone contributes $4 billion to the national GDP, with over 1500 companies employing over 30,000 individuals. 

Brampton workers earn an average of $42,900. The median family income is 98,329. Life in Brampton is convenient, the city has quality education options and well-planned transportation routes. The city also offers its fair share of food, sports, and entertainment to its residents. 

Brampton has the right environment for commercial real estate to thrive. The city has a sizable number of listings available on the MLS, with relatively affordable prices attached as well.

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