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Hamilton, ON Restaurants and Food Businesses for Sale

Looking for Restaurants and Food Businesses in Hamilton, ON? Search 3 Restaurants and Food Businesses from across the city, Zonado helps you find your next opportunity in Hamilton.

           Food Truck For Sale Hamilton (Business&Truck)
Sale of Business in Hamilton, ON
Food Truck For Sale Hamilton (Business&truck)
Revel Realty Inc., Brokerage
Established Prime Location Restaurant For Sale in Hamilton
Sale of Business in Hamilton, ON
Established Prime Location Restaurant For Sale In Hamilton
Royal Lepage State Realty Brokerage
Pizza Restaurant For Sale In Hamilton
Sale of Business in Hamilton, ON
Pizza Restaurant For Sale In Hamilton
Showing results 1 - 3 of 3

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Restaurants and Food listings around Hamilton


13 listings


4 listings


3 listings


2 listings

Quinte West

2 listings

St. Thomas

2 listings


1 listing


1 listing


1 listing


1 listing

Niagara Falls

1 listing


1 listing

Hamilton Listing Types


5 listings


5 listings

Mixed Use

4 listings


4 listings


1 listing


1 listing

About Hamilton

Hamilton has a mid-size landmass of 1,138 km². It is a city located in the Ontario province and has a population of 579,200. The city was formed from the amalgamation of many small towns in 2001. 

Hamilton’s population has little to no effect on its population density, the environment has the right amount of space for everyone. The city has a huge presence of industries. About 60% of the steel used in Canada is produced in Hamilton. 

The city has relied on its steel and manufacturing industry over the years. This industry faced a drop in recent times and this has given a chance for the rise of health and information technology services in the city. Currently, the health sector employs the biggest percentage of Hamilton’s workforce with 15%. 

Living in Hamilton is relatively affordable. The average family spends about $55,000 every year. The median income for each family sits at $78,177. 

Hamilton’s commercial real estate industry has experienced steady growth since a significant low point in 2017. In 2020, the city attracted a total investment volume of $1.2 billion spread across 202 transactions.