Special Purpose listings in Toronto, ON
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Special Purpose listings around Toronto
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Toronto Listing Types
183 listings
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About Toronto
Toronto is Canada’s most populous city with a population of 2.7 million, spread across a huge landmass of 630 km². Toronto is also the capital of the Ontario province and is well known for being the central location for business, technology, entertainment, and sports.
The cost of living in Toronto is relatively high when compared to other Canadian cities. The average worker earns $66,000 per year. Compared to other cities, Toronto has a fair median family income of $78,373.
Toronto runs a very competitive economy with several industries thriving concurrently. Toronto’s most successful industry is the financial services industry. Other thriving fields include telecommunications, oil and gas, transportation, and mining.
In the first quarter of 2021, Toronto’s commercial real estate market attracted a total investment volume of $3.9 billion through 491 transactions. The city is projected to hit a total investment volume mark of $12 billion at the end of the year. 2019 holds the record for the highest commercial real estate total investment volume ever with $19 billion.