Special Purpose listings in Mississauga, ON
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Special Purpose listings around Mississauga
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Mississauga Listing Types
53 listings
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About Mississauga
Mississauga is a relatively large city in Ontario with a landmass of 292.4 km². The city is home to a population of 828,854. Mississauga is widely regarded as Canada’s safest city.
Mississauga is a growing industrial giant in Canada, housing 61 Canadian fortune 500 companies. The city is home to over 1400 multinational companies as well. The economy is a diverse one. Three industries at the top of the pack in Mississauga are advanced manufacturing, financial services, and information communication technology. Mississauga has over 55,000 registered businesses that employ more than half of the city’s population.
Mississauga is one of the least affordable cities to live in Canada. The median family income is $83,018. Mississauga’s commercial real estate is quite busy due to the large presence of multinationals.