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Opportunities you won’t find anywhere else
A big share of Businesses and Commercial Real Estate are transacted privately. This means that it never hits MLS. Explore Zonado for these public & private listings all in one place and contact the sellers directly .
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All your buying, selling and lead prospecting on 1 platform
Industry platforms limit Brokers from sharing their listings and wants, leaving them restricted and limited in reach. Zonado connects buyers, private investors, Realtors with Business Brokers across the nation.
Serious buyers only
Tired of putting that in your listing description and still dealing with unqualified leads? Zonado is 100% dedicated to Commercial Real Estate and Sale of Business so you reach to the right buyer group.
NDAs to keep you safe
Not ready to disclose confidential information? We understand. Secure your documents and use the in-built NDA to get approval and share information with confidence.
Save Time, Sell Better
Our smart algorithm will automatically match your listing with the right buyer the moment they hit the market. All you have to do is start the conversation.

Performance data and transparency like never before
Get detailed report on listing performance, impressions, who viewed your listing, accessed phone number and signed the NDA. No guess work, proactively reach out to leads and be armed for stronger negotiations.
A Powerful Broker Suite of Tools
Zonado was built as a result of intensive user interviews with investors from across Canada. The result is a suite of elegant solutions to power your workflow
On and Off-Market Properties
Not ready to share the exact address publicly? No problem.
No Time Limits
We do not limit your listing to a set number of days. Your listing will remain visible on Zonado until you mark it sold or leased.
In-App Messaging and Lead Vetting
With in-app messaging and lead vetting, spend your time talking to the right people.
Advanced Lead Tracking & Analytics
Easily track how your listing is performing, who is viewing it, and who is attempting to contact you.
Automatic Smart Matching
When a buyer places a Want for a property like yours, Zonado alerts them to your listing - all while you’re out walking Fido.
Buying, leasing or investing? Let the right opportunity find you
Zonado automatically matches your listing with the right active buyers. With every match, you will receive instant notifications to get the conversation started. Let our smart algorithms help you save time, and sell better.

Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely. At Zonado, we are big on information and data protection. Your contact information will only be shared if you initiate a chat showing interest in a listing. Until then, explore opportunities without any risk of giving away private information.
For sure. If you come across a listing you are interested in, message the listing representative and be in touch with the right person in seconds.
Some listing representatives may require you to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement before sharing the listing details with you. This is standard paperwork required to keep their client’s information safe and protected.
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The latest news, data, trends and resources, sent straight to you.
Zonado is Canada's fastest growing commercial real estate and sale of business marketplace. Our goal is to help you buy, sell and lease better than ever before.
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Zonado combines a diverse portfolio of commercial real estate and sale of business listings with an obsessive focus on technology. It enables you to buy, sell and lease better than ever before.
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The REALTOR® trademark is controlled by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identifies real estate professionals who are members of CREA. The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos identify professional services rendered by REALTOR® members of CREA to effect the purchase, sale and lease of real estate as part of a cooperative selling system.